Stress & Constipation – How is stress linked with constipation?
Constipation is a common gastrointestinal problem that affects people of all ages. It is characterized by infrequent bowel movements and difficulty passing stool.
Heart Burn or Heart Attack how to Differentiate?
Chest pain is a common symptom that can be caused by a variety of conditions, including heartburn and heart attacks. It can be difficult to differentiate between these two conditions
Gallbladder Surgery: Common FAQ’s & Myths
Gallbladder surgery, also known as cholecystectomy, is a common surgical procedure that removes the gallbladder.
Having chronic constipation! When to visit a specialist?
Constipation is a typical digestive disorder that can impact people of all ages. It is characterized by irregular bowel movements, difficulty passing stools, and a feeling of insufficient evacuation.
Important Thing to know About Hepatitis (A to E)
Hepatitis is a serious infection that can damage the liver. There are many different types of hepatitis, ranging from A to E.
Winter Season And Digestive Diseases
Lot of people seem to experience digestive problems during the winter season. There are many different reasons why people might get stomach problems in the winter.
GERD Is More Than Just Acidity? Tips to Reduce Acid Reflux and GERD
Do you have trouble swallowing or feel a burning sensation in your chest after eating? If so, you may be suffering from GERD, or Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease.
Stomach Cancer – Early Signs (When To See The Doctor)
Today, We want to talk about stomach cancer and some of the early signs with latest treatments available. Stomach cancer is a very serious disease,
How to deal with the Gas Problem
Regular digestion includes gas, and letting excess gas out through burping or flatus is also typical. However, you can experience discomfort if gas is retained, does not travel freely through your digestive tract, or creates intestinal distension, which some people find difficult to bear
How to Manage IBD Disease for long terms
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a term used to describe Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). There is no medical cure for either ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.