If you are living in Pune and are suffering from Pilonidal Sinus, then you should consider seeking treatment. Kaizen Gastro Care is one of the best treatment centers for the Pilonidal Sinus Treatment in Pune which can assist you to get rid of your sinus issue. They’ll use various ways to treat your sinus, including surgery and medication.
Kaizen Gastro Care is a one-stop special healthcare service provider that follows a patient-centric process to offer cutting-edge treatment against pilonidal sinus While most individuals shy away from talking or consulting about such anorectal issues.
Kaizen expert Pilonidal Sinus Specialist Dr. Samrat Jankar addresses this situation and makes the patient relaxed, and delivers a hassle-free surgical experience at a wallet-friendly cost. They have performed hundreds of laser surgeries for pilonidal sinus successfully in a profession spanning over 15 years. Our state-of-the-art laser treatment for pilonidal sinus is painless. Has No blood loss offers a shorter recovery period and the chances of recurrence of pilonidal sinus are low. You can Contact Dr. Samrat Jankar for your Pilonidal Sinus treatment for safe and painless treatment from the best anal surgeon and Laparoscopic Surgeon in Pune, book an appointment today.
Pilo means hairs, nidus means nest.
Pilonidal means a nest of hairs
Pilonidal Sinus is a very dominant anorectal Disease. A pilonidal cyst is a little hole formed around the tailbone. The cyst may also include dirt and hair, which when infected, causes intense pain, inflammation, and itching. People who have to sit for long hours or do not sustain proper hygiene are more to have Pilonidal sinuses.
If it becomes infected, it may exude pus and blood and release a bad smell. A pilonidal sinus is a disorder that mostly concerns men and is common in young adults. If you are suffering from these cysts repeatedly, you may require to consult your specialist.
Though the exact root of the disorder is not known, its possible cause includes:
When you come to Kaizen Gastro Care clinic waked, Pune, this problem is generally treated with the help of antibiotics but that is not a permanent cure for the sinus because the tunnel is very deep into the skin. The permanent solution is surgically removing the sinus from the skin level deep down into the tissue to the end of the tunnel where the tough hair which is like the seed of the infection lies. And once the entire sinus is removed then this problem is cured permanently. Traditionally this involves a very major operation whereby a large amount of skin is removed along with a deep tissue which leaves a large defect in the lower back and this defect is either covered by directly suturing it or by means of the creation of a flap which is rotated by a plastic surgery method and the gap is covered…
Recently there has been a large interest in the use of laser technology for the treatment of pilonidal sinus where without creating a large wound or the need for a flap, the entire sinus is first cleaned, and then a laser beam is passed into the sinus and the entire tract is destroyed with the help of a radial laser fiber.
The advantage of this procedure is the patient can avoid a large wound and long recovery time and generally this patient can go back home the next day after the procedure.
Kaizen Gastro Care offers an advanced level of medical care with highly specialized doctors and we have most of the modern equipment to help our patients cure issues and disorders. The Kaizen team has a dedicated and caring approach and will seek to find you the earliest appointment possible with the correct specialist for your needs. For more information about our comprehensive treatment options, or to request an appointment with the best gastro care clinic in Pune. Call us at 9763635252 or Book an online Appointment.
As an effect of pilonidal sinus, one can suffer from severe pain, swelling, and pus or blood discharge from the anal area. If left untreated, it can lead to complications such as:
To relieve your signs, your doctor may suggest one of the following outpatient treatments:
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